“The Church and her Pastors are not opposed to true and solid science, whether human or divine, but that they embrace it, encourage it, and promote it with the fullest possible dedication.”
Pope Leo 13th, Vatican Observatory,1891
Science Intent
At Holy Family Catholic Nursery and Primary School our intention is that our science curriculum ignites and inspires a passion for science by giving children the ability to think independently and ask questions about scientific concepts, explore theories, experiments and technologies through practical investigations as we develop deep thinkers.
We ensure children are able to articulate their ideas, predictions and conclusions through the correct use of scientific language as well as question concepts and theories about the world around them.
Science Implementation
We follow the ‘Developing Experts’ scheme to support the planning of our science lessons. This enables us to deliver a coherent and complete science curriculum, and lesson are planned to enable pupils to progress their knowledge, understanding and skills and build on prior learning through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.
Key vocabulary is introduced to the children and recapped regularly and knowledge organisers enable the children to identify exactly what they are learning. Year groups adapt the lessons to suit their students’ abilities whilst ensuring the full science curriculum is delivered. The scheme offers a multitude of cross-curricular links allowing teachers to embed science into other areas of learning, as well as providing specific links to future careers, demonstrating to children specifically how the science they are learning can link to job they could do in the future.
Science Impact
We aim to ensure that:
- Children are engaged and enthused during Science lessons because we deliver fun, engaging and appropriately challenging science at Holy Family, underpinned by a progressive curriculum.
- By providing awe and wonder experiences, children talk about their science learning long after the event, asking questions and deepening their understanding about their world.
- Key Vocabulary, high quality resources, links to careers and developing specific science enquiry skills all contribute to deepening the children’s understanding of scientific concepts and how they can be applied in a real world context.
- Pupil Voice is used to further develop the Science curriculum by questioning pupil views towards Science, ensuring Science continues to grow and develop within school.
Curriculum Documents
Progression of Knowledge - Knowledge progression Map from Year 1 - Year 6
Progression of Skills - Skills progression map from Year 1 - Year 6
Whole school Overview - An overview of the units taught from Year 1 - Year 6
Knowledge Organiser Example - Every science unit has a knowledge organiser that shows the key knowledge that the children will be taught.
Year Group Objectives
Scientist of the month
Every month the children find out about a famous scientist in order to find out about scientists from different backgrounds and time periods and open their eyes into all that science has to offer. Please click below to find out which scientists we are discovering this year.
Science in Action at Holy Family 2023 -2024
In Year 1 and 2 the children have been testing different materials to find out which materials are waterproof.
Panther - Science - Testing out waterproof materials
Zebra Science
Science Week 2024
During science week the children were visited by the Science Boffins.
Photographs to follow
Science Vocabulary
In each science unit of work, key vocabulary is identified, taught and revisited. This key vocabulary is refer to as 'rocket words'. The rocket words for each unit and lesson can be found on the curriculum overviews above and are also available on the knowledge organisers.